Faces, bodies, gestures, light… And eyes. The model’s. The artist’s. And then yours, those of the beholder.
Des visages, des corps, des gestes, de la lumière… Et des regards. Celui du modèle. Celui de l’artiste. Et enfin le vôtre, celui du spectateur.
Eden, oil on canvas 70×120 cm, 2023Allegory of a married life, oil on panel, 30x40cm, 2023, private collectionFrene, oil on panel, 20x30cm, 2022, private collectionThe father of the artist, oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2022, private collectionThe parents of the artist in azaleas, oil on panel, 40x30cm, 2022, private collectionThe father of the artist as a child, oil on panel 30×30 cm, 2022, private collectionParty in Lesse #2 (red), oil on canvas 120×70 cm, 2022M. and the azalea, oil on panel, 20×25 cm, 2022, private collectionSelf-portrait, oil on panel, 20×25 cm, 2022A portrait, oil on panel, 20x25cm, 2022 Sunset, oil on panel, 40x30cm, 2022Sky and clouds #4, oil on panel, 30x30cm, 2022Sky and clouds #3, oil on panel, 30x30cm, 2022Sky and clouds #2, oil on panel, 30×30 cm, 2022Sky and clouds #1, oil on panel, 30×30 cm, 2022Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A4, 2022Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A3, 2022Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A3, 2022On the breakwater, oil on canvas, 120×70 cm, 2021, private collectionBathroom door, oil on panel, 25x30cm, 2021Boucle de l’Escault à Tournai, oil on panel, 20×15 cm, 2021Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A4, 2021Portrait de dos, oil on panel, 15×20 cm, 2021, Private collectionSummer in Venice, oil on canvas, 70×120 cm, 2021, private collectionUntitled (ref. by Rafael Fuchs), oil on canvas, 70x120cm, 2021Red and white, Oil on canvas, 80×100 cm, 2021Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A4, 2021Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, A4, 2021Untitled, graphite on sketchbook, 2xA4, 2021Looking back, oil on canvas, 80×100 cm, 2020On granma’s chair, oil on canvas 80x100cm, 2020The red blanket, oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2020Untitled, oil on canvas 80x100cm, 2020S. Making up, oil on canvas, 80x100cm, 2019: private collectionUpstairs downstairs diptych view, 2019Upstairs downstairs #2, oil on canvas 70×120 cm, 2019Upstairs downstairs #1, oil on canvas, 70×140 cm, 2019Untitled, oil on canvas, 120x70cm, 2019Untitled, oil on canvas, 120×60 cm, 2019Untitled, oil on canvas, 60×120 cm, 2019: private collectionOn the red high stool, oil on canvas 60×120 cm, 2019: private collectionThe blue dress, Oil on canvas, 100x140cm, 2018: private collectionOn the pier, oil on canvas 60×120 cm, 2018: private collectionA portrait, 50x100cm, oil on canvas, 2018Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2017Tongue, oil on panel, 100x100cm, 2017, private collectionUntitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2017Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2017Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2017Hunting the wild boar, pastel on paper, 100x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016, private collectionShyness, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016, private collectionUntitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016Untitled, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2016The chair, charcoal on paper, 122x150cm, 2015Untitled, acrylic and charcoal on paper, 250×150 cm, 2015